What will the union do for me?
Individual voices are not generally appreciated by management and often retaliated against. Therefore, collective action is always more effective - power in numbers. UCHWU functions to sew all the individual workers of our system together under one union: inpatient and outpatient, north, main, and south regions. As we become one, unified unit, coordinating, strategizing, and moving together, we will not be easily ignored and will achieve our objectives of workplace and workforce stabilization.
I’m devoted to UCHealth and our mission. Why do I need a union?
Staff and management share the broad goal of UCHealth: to improve lives. From that common ground we can reach agreements that allow us to have a safe, stable workplace with happy staff that will elevate the care we provide. A union will allow our collective voice to be heard during decision making processes. A 2016 study showed that nurse quality indicators and patient outcomes improved after a hospital unionized.
James Baldwin once said “I love America more than any other country in the world and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.” This is the attitude we bring to the unionizing movement. We value UC Health and all the work it does for our community, but we know it will be better with workers’ ideas incorporated into system functions at all levels.
I don’t want to get in trouble. Can I get fired for joining a union?
UCHWU has worked and advocated for passage of SB23-111, the Pubic Employees Workplace Protection Act. This bill provides basic workplace protections for all public sector workers in Colorado regarding organizing, speaking about workplace issues openly, and advocating for one another in the workplace without fear of retaliation and retribution. This bill was passed by the CO legislature 5/23 and is currently undergoing development of the rules that will dictate how the legislation functions.
None of us can afford to lose our jobs, income, health insurance, or retirement benefits. However, we should have the right to have decision-making capacity when company decisions are made. As our collective grows, we will be able to influence our work places, inpatient and outpatient, to achieve our goals of workplace and workforce stability and provide top notch care for our patients.
The right to join and be active in a workplace union is protected under the First Amendment to the Constitution and Colorado law. There is also a Colorado state law to protect whistleblowers during a public health emergency; it is illegal for an employer to retaliate against an employee for raising health and safety concerns. Lastly, Colorado passed a equal pay for equal work law that takes effect Jan 2021. The law makes it illegal to interfere with workers sharing information about wages.
Won’t a union just take my money and not listen to me?
No. Our movement is led by all segments of UCH inpatient and outpatient staff and is truly democratic. We are dedicated to building an independent organization by us and for us. We welcome everyone to join the movement and make it reflect your values. With each of you we will be a force of nature.
I’m not a nurse. Can I join?
Yes! Every job category in hospital and clinic settings is welcome to join us: RN, LPN, CNA, ED Techs, EMTs, Lifeline air and ground staff, pharmacist and pharmacy techs, lab techs, blood bank, RTs, OTs, PTs, SLPs, MAs, patient access, financial counselors, SWs, CMs, secretaries - and whoever else you are! We need all of you and your unique perspective and ability. We unite all UCHealth staff members from all work categories and welcome all voices to build our power in numbers.
What is Open Unionism?
Until we can win the right to Collective Bargaining, we believe that the “Open Union” or “Open Source Union” model is right for us. This gives our co-workers at UCHealth more flexibility while we convince the administration and the public that we deserve representation with CWA Local 7799.
What will dues go toward?
Good question! Union members decide! Typically supporting the organization: communications, fliers, hiring organizers, mobilization and legislative support. $4 per member per month goes to the national union. The rest stays with Local 7799 and you as members will decide how it is spent.